Thursday, January 17, 2008


For those of you out there that are checking this blog weekly to see if we've heard anything new, the short answer is: Nope. The long answer is: Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nada. Nichts. Nothin'.

Try again next week! In the meantime, I've posted a new poll... cast your votes!

(Amy, if you're reading this, my mildly cranky attitude this week does NOT negate the fact that we're still optimists by default. I stand by that claim! :^)

(UPDATE on 1/18/08: Okay, I realize that my poll on the sidebar is incredibly poorly constructed. I'm clearly not a social scientist. I guess I was wondering, will I get the phone call this month? Or will it be later than this month, i.e. later in the year. Clearly if I get the phone call this month, it will also be this year. My brain is fried. I'm glad it's the weekend.)


Matthew Ruley said...

Its hard. I had to go back and see when you submitted your dossier, the end of June. That is a very long time to wait when you thought you were in the homestretch in Sept of this year. I understand because I thought I was in the homestretch in Sept too.

Its hard to plan your life, your work, decide what to commit to or be bored waiting. I wish I could offer some really great advice or say something or do something to make it better, but I don't think I can.

Just know that you are not alone while waiting nor are you alone in waiting. I am following your journey, and many of us are waiting along side of you.

Hang in there, it will happen! I KNOW it will.

Catalina said...

WE are all hanging together here. Lets hope we will have good news soon.

Amy said...

Right on sister!!!!! I complain all the time...but I still keep going forward, even if it is incrementally - did I spell that correctly? I am too lazy to check...all this waiting takes a lot out of you.

Susan said...

Totally agree...waiting is hard. I was in a funk this week, but I'm happy to say I've come out of it (for now anyway). I'm actually taking my boots back. I do not think we'll be going in cold weather anymore. I have "readjusted my expectations" and given myself a new timeframe of June. It's taking longer now then it was for families who traveled previously to us ,and it's even longer for a girl. Only bummer is that I purchased some warm clothes, and we clearly don't wear those here in sunny Florida. However, summertime works better in that my son is out of school and can come with us, and that is what i truly wanted to begin with.

I don't know if you do yoga, but yoga has really helped me give me time to reflect and pray and give me peace with the process. It is hard, but you have to keep planning your life as normal. I truly thought we'd be home by May, but now I don't think we'll even be gone by then.

I wish you peace during this time and lots of busy-ness so that time flies by. I truly hope you get your call soon too!

Julian and Sara said...

So sorry! I'm counting on that call coming very soon for you!

Karen said...

Like Catalina said, "We're all hanging in there together." I don't know what to pack for anymore—cold weather or warm? I don't know what to tell people anymore when they ask. Thank God for our blogging buddies, at least we "get" it.

Unknown said...

OK--it seems like it's time for some Zen. When Sage was about two weeks old, it felt like the bottom had dropped out of life. Eating, sleeping, day, night, etc., were all up in the air. Gary brought home a book (that I am sending you today) called "Momma Zen: Walking the Crooked Path to Motherhood," by Karen Maezen Miller, a mother and Zen Buddhist priest. I have now read it through twice, and I'm sure I will read it many more times before my mothering is done (i.e. forever). It's been enormously helpful in helping me relax, be calm, and trust that all is well no matter what. Here are a couple of passages that strike me as pertinent at this juncture:

"Satisfaction is never the future outcome of some hoped-for event. Satisfaction always lies right where you are. When I cannot evoke the even-mindedness to really know this, I can try to live as if I do."

"Not one bit of life is a weight or a measure, a list or a date, a tick or a tock. It is never a result or an outcome. What it is is a continual marvel, a wondrous flow without distance or gap, a perpetual stream in which we bob and float. We are buffered from nothing and yet never quite fully immersed because our thinking mind keeps eyeing the banks, gauging the current, scoping for landmarks, and striving for some kind of perfect, elusive destination. There isn't a destination. Life keeps going. It keeps going within us; when we're not attentive, it keeps going without us."

"If you are confused about what you should be doing, try this. Stop what you are doing. Take care of what is in front of you, when it is in front of you, and the confusion will pass. This is called the effort of no effort. No effort is what powers the universe."

You're in my thoughts and prayers. Congrats on the DNA! Love to you all,


Gretchen said...

Hi Chrissy, I tagged you in a game on my blog. Check out my latest post. :)

Catalina said...

Hi Chris, just waiting for the good news. I just tagged you :)

Matthew Ruley said...

Just checking in with you!

chris blaine said...

hope you hear somthing soon

Lori @ Five of My Own said...

just wanted to say hello and wish you luck for an LOI this month! We sent our dossier in last week and really were hoping Kaz would be a fast program. Hang in there it can't be much longer.