Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Well, still no news on the adoption front, but I finally got my DNA extractions to work! I'm working on a research project during my "maternity leave" from teaching. I'm hoping to compare genetic diversity of some small populations of prairie plants along the Mississippi River bluffs. But first, I had to actually extract the DNA out of the plants, which just wasn't working. But last week, I set up the reaction, left the room for a bit, and when I came back, there was DNA!!! Yay!!!! It was like a late Christmas present! Here's what it looks like:

The little pinkish, glow-in-the-dark bands is DNA that is flourescing under an ultraviolet light. This picture is actually sugar maple DNA that one of my students extracted last night, after I taught her how to make the extraction work. She's doing this for part of her senior capstone project. Groovy.

On a completely different note, we had freakishly warm weather this past weekend, so we enjoyed it by taking the dog to the state park at the confluence of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers.

The obligatory self-portrait shot:

Russell and Deva learning about the great rivers:


Susan said...

You are so smart. :) The DNA is really quite cool though.

No news on our adoption front either. And not a creature is stirring-not even a mouse. Maybe in a couple weeks we'll hear something-or, then again, maybe not.

Until then, do some cool science things. :)

Julian and Sara said...

Congrats on the DNA breakthrough! Very cool, even if I don't understand much about it.

On an entirely different note, and one which may prompt you to categorize me as simply weird, I have to share with you that I check your blog often - partly to see if you've updated (it has something to do with my recent addiction to adoption blogs), and partly just to look at the picture of Deva. She has such a kind and wise expression. And she looks a lot like a dog pictured on one of my favourite greeting cards from (no I don't work for them!). It's the card titled "wenge" (#C01202). Everyone on my list is getting that card for their birthday this year.

Yes, I'm a dog lover and a total sucker for the old ones. Deva definitely looks like a gem!

Okay, I'm a little weird as well. ;)

Catalina said...

Congrats for the DNA extraction. Your hard worked has been rewarded. Hopefully soon we will all get good news.

Children's Hope International said...

DNA extraction! Very cool. And it's hot pink - who knew. ;) Love the updates!

Jennifer N.